"Someone recommended Debbie to me. After an initial conversation we had a face to face meeting. After that it was decided I would meet her once a week. At this time I was working through on ongoing diagnosis of moderate mental health issues. This was related to a divorce, separation from children and access to them, work related performance, alcohol reliance and then another separation.

However Debbie showed me kindness and compassion and gave me practical tools to try and combat the spiralling and that I had true worth and that suicide would not be a solution. All things will be ok and work out. The therapy isn’t a magic cure and often you have to work hard with the tools Debbie has given me. I had to spend money on this service and had to weigh up it value. However I totally recommend the service Debbie provided and it has been worth every penny. I very rarely now have down days. I am now more engaged with my children and present in a room. It does take time but you will get there with Debbie’s help and expertise"

"I first went to Debbie looking for help with sleep issues, but the fact that I chose a therapist rather then a doctor suggests I was aware that the cause was likely to be internal rather than physical. I broke down in our preliminary session, perhaps from relief at finding someone with whom I immediately felt able to share the various demons at war in my head.

Debbie started with a typical middle age, middle class, ex boarding school Englishman. I thought I was normal. Gradually, with her carful, considerate help I realised that I was a boarding school survivor and had learned in childhood to lock my feelings away. I had spent 30 years in two marriages without ever having a proper relationship with my partner. She helped me understand that parts of me had been wounded in childhood and their wounds had inhibited my later life. She helped me connect with those parts and rehabilitate them.

Debbie leaves me, as she said after our final session: “Ready now to walk your path guided by your own inner light and intuition, free to live, love and actively experience life and all your emotions.” I am so grateful for her compassion, her guidance and her perseverance.

I found Debbie by effectively sticking a pin in a list of local therapists. My pin landed in exactly the right place, and I have no hesitation in recommending her to others seeking a guide through their troubled internal world."

“If you want to really shift your patterns, then work with Debbie. It’s one thing to understand cognitively what your issues are, it is quite another to actually change them. With Debbie’s help, I have become acutely aware of how my body always knows what is happening and what to do.

As someone who has tended to be in my head a lot, I wasn’t aware of the wisdom of my body. Now I can feel what is happening and this awareness has allowed me to start to make different choices. It’s a work in progress but I have seen and felt more shifts in the last year working with Debbie, than I had in 20 years of conventional therapies. Words aren’t really adequate to explain the profound effect this is having on my life but I can honestly say that at almost 62, I feel like I am in my prime. Thank you, Debbie! x”